mayo 30, 2021

Comisión Chile-Alemania por Colonia Dignidad.. progresos, pero también tareas pendientes y obstáculos

DW entrevistó al ministro adjunto de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania, Niels Annen.

“Colonia Dignidad es una prioridad para el gobierno alemán”

Leelo en....

Niels Annen: La resolución que impulsó el Bundestag consta de varios pilares. Uno de ellos es levantar un sitio de memoria y centro de documentación. Otro elemento es dar una prestación a los afectados, como gesto por la responsabilidad que también tiene el Estado alemán en esta situación. Queremos ayudar a mejorar sus condiciones de vida en la vejez.

Un especial de DW
Colonia Dignidad: Chile, Alemania y la responsabilidad compartida

mayo 17, 2021

Call for proposals: Living Heritage and Climate Change

 Call for proposals for the ICOMOS Advisory Committee 2021 

Scientific Symposium - Deadline: 22 May

6982018401 a961487b6c zThis year, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organise its Scientific Symposium online from 10 to 12 November 2021 on the theme: Living Heritage and Climate Change.

Living heritage provides people with their sense of identity and is continuously regenerating in response to their environment. But we live in a time of rapid environmental change accelerated by the current climate crisis. Our responses to this crisis have the potential to strengthen our living heritage or destroy it.

mayo 10, 2021

abril 29, 2021

ICOMOS Heritage Alert

4 Mauricio Luzuriaga 539 40

ICOMOS is issuing a worldwide Heritage Alert, our most consequential expressional of concern, to amplify awareness of the threat to the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus and draw urgent attention to the eminent risk of loss of the internationally significant buildings that make up the cultural landscape designed by Louis I. Kahn with his team. 

En el link encontraras la carta enviada por Jack Pyburn, FAIA, President Secretary General of ICOMOS, ISC 20C - International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage y Mario Santana Quintero, Secretary General of ICOMOS.

abril 15, 2021

Webinar ICOMOS Chile - Valparaiso en la encrucijada - Abril 18 - Día Internacional de los Sitios y Monumentos

ACCEDE AQUÍ                                                             

Sumate a otros eventos de ICOMOS Internacional para celebrar este día en:



abril 10, 2021

Pasados complejos: futuros diversos. El Sitio Patrimonio Mundial de Valparaíso en la encrucijada.

Estimados miembros ICOMOS Chile y a todos los que quieran sumarse !!

Los invitamos a participar del 2º Webinar de ICOMOS Chile, este 18 de Abril con motivo del día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios. 


Sumate a otros eventos que ICOMOS Internacional ha congregado para celebrar este día, informate en:



abril 09, 2021

Follow the G20 Culture webinars Italy : April 12 - Climate Crisis & April 13 - Human Capital

Dear ICOMOS Colleagues, In the context of the G20 meetings taking place this year under Italian presidency – the Italian Ministry of Culture is organising culture webinars. 12 April, 12:00 – 17:00 CEST Addressing the Climate Crisis Through Culture - Preserving Cultural Heritage - Supporting the Green Transition 13 April, 12:00 – 16:40 CEST Building Capacity Through Training and Education - Human Capital - The Driver of Culture-led Regeneration The events will be live-cast, for more information – see the Italian Ministry of Culture website or the YouTube Channel of the Ministry of Culture. Thanks to the invitation by Italy, ICOMOS has a strong presence at these events. Under the coordination of Adriana Careaga, ICOMOS Board member, a team of ICOMOS members has contributed to the development of the thematic webinars, with some also speaking/chairing sessions: Anas Al Khabour (ICAHM – ICOMOS ISC on Archaeological Heritage Management), James Reap (ICLAFI – ICOMOS ISC on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues), Cristina Gonzalez Longo (CIF – ICOMOS ISC on Training), Andrew Potts (CCH WG – ICOMOS Working Group on Climate Change and Heritage) & the ICOMOS President, Teresa Patricio, will attend the Ministerial level meetings.

marzo 29, 2021

18 Abril - Día Internacional de Sitios y Monumentos -

In 1982, ICOMOS established 18 April as the International Day for Monuments and Sites, followed by UNESCO adoption during its 22nd General Conference. Each year, on this occasion, ICOMOS proposes a theme for activities to be organized by its members, National and International Scientific Committees, partners, and anyone who wants to join in marking the Day.

Acknowledging global calls for greater inclusion and recognition of diversity, the International Day for Monuments and Sites 2021 invites participants to reflect on, reinterpret, and re-examine existing narratives.
ICOMOS encourages you to come together to share your experiences – of course in compliance with instructions from local and national authorities so as to ensure the safety of participants during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures

Conservation of cultural heritage requires critical examination of the past, as much as its practice demands provision for the future. Debates on the omission and erasure of certain narratives, and the privileging of particular stories over others, have come to a head in recent years. Addressing contested histories hence involves complex conversations, avoiding biased views and interpretations of the past.

The World Heritage Convention (1972) states: “deterioration or disappearance of any item of the cultural or natural heritage constitutes a harmful impoverishment of the heritage of all the nations of the world” – however imbalances in recognition, interpretation and ultimately, conservation of various cultural manifestations continue to exist.

ICOMOS wishes to engage in promoting new discourses, different and nuanced approaches to existing historical narratives, to support inclusive and diverse points of view.

Uncovering and generating more inclusive narratives can span a wide range of conservation issues, from toppled monuments of oppression within shared civic spaces to the treatment of ancestral sites, and indigenous domains across cultural landscapes. Today, many monuments and sites stand with their multi-layered history and importance which call for inclusive approaches.

In this United Nations Decade of Action for Sustainable Development, ICOMOS recognises the need to put a focus on heritage that represents diverse cultures and communities (SDG10), promotes the equal rights of women and the LGBTQ+ community (SDG5) in order to illustrate a more tolerant and peaceful future (SDG16).

We therefore invite you to join this renewed call to action: fair and just futures require open, tolerant, and empathetic interpretations of heritage philosophies and practices in the present, starting with self-reflection.

Este año ICOMOS Chile también participa !!!!!! 

marzo 25, 2021

"Outstanding 20th Century Heritage - How to Live in it & What are the Advantages?“

Gracias a nuestros colegas de ICOMOS de todo el mundo, nos siguen llegando invitaciones a interesantes problematicas que se estan desarrollando actualmente.

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to an online discussion event on 6th April organised by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt: „Outstanding 20th Century Heritage - How to Live in it & What are the Advantages?“.

Best regards, ICOMOS Germany

Here the public link to the zoom webinar which you may want to forward to those interested is as follows:

Attending via facebook:

Attending via youtube: 
Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM – YouTube


'Rebuilding Mosul – from the ground up' ICCROM


7 Apr 2021,                  Zoom 19:00Rome

Few will forget the images of destruction from Mosul during the Iraq War and the devastating toll on its people and urban fabric. ISIS overran the city in 2014, retaking it from them resulted in one of the largest military battles in recent times and it left Mosul a city of ruins. Mosul is an ancient city and its heritage had been a particular target for ISIS forces: they ransacked the museum, destroyed historic buildings, and looted and vandalized the nearby ancient Assyrian city of Ninevah.

Mosul is now being rebuilt and whilst much has been lost forever, thre is now the opportunity to give back to the people of Mosul their history. It is a mammoth task and one that will necessitate many decisions about what can and what should be saved. We know from other conflict areas that restoring past memories can be an important part of peacebuilding, but it can also be a fraught process.

Dr. Rohit Jigyasu is in charge of an ICCROM-led multi-agency project that aims to work from a community level to give local people the skills to lead restoration projects. Dr. Jigyasu is a specialist in architectural conservation with a doctorate from Trondheim University, Norway. He is an expert in disaster risk management and from 2010 to 2018 he held the UNESCO Chair at the Institute for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. His research focuses on using traditional knowledge in disaster risk management plans.

The American University of Rome

febrero 04, 2021

Noticias sobre las últimas elecciones de ICICH de ICOMOS

Para el arqueólogo y doctor en Arquitectura y Patrimonio Ambiental, Ángel Cabeza, esta distinción significa: “un reconocimiento al trabajo que América Latina y el Caribe han realizado en identificar y rescatar la diversidad de su patrimonio. Implica también un gran desafío para lograr que las políticas públicas nacionales den cada vez más importancia y recursos para que las comunidades locales potencien sus patrimonios e identidades.

diciembre 09, 2020

20th ICOMOS General Assembly

Resolution 20GA 2020/23

Dear ICOMOS Members,

We are pleased to inform you of the results in the second round of voting for the elections at the 20th ICOMOS General Assembly - election of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer, the approval of accounts and the Resolutions from agenda items 6-3 to 6-7.

Voting Platform 2 was open 24h from 7 December at 14:00 CET to 8 December at 14:00 CET. The Secretariat responded to all demands for assistance received on time and has no information about voting members unable to exercise their vote.

691 votes out of 945 possible votes were cast, that is a 73.12 % participation – with the following result.

The candidates for the positions of President, Secretary General and Treasurer have all been elected to these positions :

President of l'ICOMOS: Teresa Patricio (Belgium)

Secretary General: Mario Santana (Canada)

Treasurer: Pamela Jerome (USA)

noviembre 07, 2020


                                                                      DÍARIO LA TERCERA, 29 octubre 2020

octubre 25, 2020

La situación del área tradicional de Valparaíso es crítica y lamentable

         “… urge un plan de recuperación, con participación y compromiso real de todos los grupos de interés, y donde los principales beneficiados sean los      porteños.”

             Léelo en...    páginas 10 y 11  -  fecha:2020/10/25

           Léelo en...

septiembre 22, 2020

Integrating Heritage into the SDGs 'Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities

Únete ... 


Public viewing:


agosto 11, 2020

PATRIMONIO Y CRISIS: COVID-19 y el patrimonio cultural

Acompáñanos, únete, participa... 18:30 hrs. Chile