La Lista de Patrimonio Mundial: ¿Qué es VEU?
Definiendo el Valor Excepcional Universal en el Patrimonio Cultural Mundial
The World Heritage List: What is OUV?
Defining the Outstanding Universal Value of Cultural World Heritage Properties
An ICOMOS study compiled by Jukka Jokilehto,
with contributions from Christina Cameron, Michel Parent and Michael Petzet
Berlin: Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, 2008. 111 p. (Monuments and Sites; XVI). ISBN: 978-3-930388-51-6
Following on from and completing the volume Monuments and Sites XII “The World Heritage List, Filling the Gaps – an Action Plan for the Future”, published in 2005, this new volume takes a comprehensive look back at the work done among other by ICOMOS since 1976 as an advisory body to the World Heritage Committee in relation to the criteria for the outstanding universal value (OUV) required by the Convention as a precondition for the inscription on the World Heritage List. It contains chapters on: the development of the OUV concept; characteristics of the OUV criteria i.) – vii.) and their justification; different aspects of using the criteria; other requirements for inscription; reasons for non-inscription; as well as conclusions and recommendations and a series of annexes, some of which represent previously unpublished material.
Following on from and completing the volume Monuments and Sites XII “The World Heritage List, Filling the Gaps – an Action Plan for the Future”, published in 2005, this new volume takes a comprehensive look back at the work done among other by ICOMOS since 1976 as an advisory body to the World Heritage Committee in relation to the criteria for the outstanding universal value (OUV) required by the Convention as a precondition for the inscription on the World Heritage List. It contains chapters on: the development of the OUV concept; characteristics of the OUV criteria i.) – vii.) and their justification; different aspects of using the criteria; other requirements for inscription; reasons for non-inscription; as well as conclusions and recommendations and a series of annexes, some of which represent previously unpublished material.
ICOMOS is currently seeking sponsorship to translate this publication into other languages. Contact: secretariat@icomos.org
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* I. Introduction
* II. What is Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)?
1. The UNESCO Convention
2. UNESCO Expert Meeting, 1976
3. First Definitions of OUV by the Committee
4. Report by Michel Parent, 1979
5. Global Strategy Meeting in Amsterdam, 1998
6. Operational Guidelines, 2005
7. Kazan Meeting on OUV, 2005
8. Terminological Considerations
* III. Justification of the WH Criteria
o Thematic Framework
1. Criterion (i) (Masterpiece)
2. Criterion (ii) (Values/Influences)
3. Criterion (iii) (Testimony)
4. Criterion (iv) (Typology)
5. Criterion (v) (Land-Use)
6. Criterion (vi) (Associations)
7. Criterion (vii) (Natural Beauty)
* IV. Use of the Criteria
1. Criteria as Applied per Property
2. Evolving Application of Criteria
3. Discrepancies in the Evaluation Process
4. Application of One Sole Criterion
* V. Other Requirements for Inscription
o Authenticity
o Integrity
* VI. Reasons for Non-Inscription
* VII. Conclusions and Recommendations
* Annexes
o Annex 1 A: UNESCO Meeting in Morges (1976)
o Annex 1 B: ICCROM on OUV (1976)
o Annex 1 C: ICOMOS on World Heritage Criteria (1976)
o Annex 1 D: Michel Parent, Report on WH Criteria (1979)
o Annex 1 E: World Heritage Expert Meeting, Amsterdam (1998)
o Annex 1 F: World Heritage Expert Meeting, Kazan (2005)
o Annex 1 G: Christina Cameron, Keynote Paper in Kazan (2005)
o Annex 2 A: Changes to World Heritage Criteria in different versions of the Operational Guidelines
o Annex 2 B: Compendium of World Heritage Sites and Criteria
o Annex 3 A: Brief Descriptions of Sites inscribed in 2005–2007
o Annex 3 B: Index of World Heritage Cultural and Mixed Properties
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